Monday, May 04, 2009

A Metapolitical View Of Useful Idiots

Prof. Paul Eidelberg
The Jewish Press

Vladimir Lenin is credited with having coined the term “useful idiots.” He had in mind capitalists who would sell the Soviet Union the rope with which to hang them.
Israel’s useful idiots have gone much further. They have released, armed - and even paid - Arab terrorists whose prestige soars by killing Jews. Alas, I must be frank and say that Israel’s useful idiots have also yielded Jewish land to Arabs dedicated to Israel’s annihilation.

Beginning with Yitzhak Rabin in 1993, one Israeli prime minister after another, has pursued the inane policy of “land for peace.” These prime ministers have not only sacrificed their intellects to this suicidal policy - in the process, they have also sacrificed the lives and well being of countless Jews.

Driving their stupidity is timidity. Thus, back in June 2005, when Ariel Sharon was at the helm, Jerusalem Post analyst Caroline Click wrote an article entitled “A coward for a prime minister.” Israel’s ruling elites simply lack the moral and intellectual probity to pursue a Jewish — or let us merely say a more independent - foreign policy. Israel has the strategic means of doing so. Bear in mind that U.S. military aid amounts to less than 1.5 percent of Israel’s Gross Domestic Product. It cost Israel more than that to erect security fences, re-deploy IDE forces, and compensate Jews expelled from their homes.

It should be obvious to the people of Israel that, regardless of their political and religious conviction, the Netanyahu government will pave the road to an Arab-Islamic state in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s heartland. This retreat or treachery will be facilitated by Netanyahu’s Defense Minister, Labor leader Ehud Barak, who, as we shall now see, is unsurpassed as a useful idiot.

When Barak was Israel’s Prime Minister, he concocted, without cabinet approval, the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum of September 4, 1999, in which he offered Yasser Arafat a Palestinian State consisting of 96 percent of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza (including the Jordan Valley), eastern Jerusalem including the Temple Mount, 4 percent of the Negev, and the entry of perhaps 150,000 Arab refugees! Yet, Arafat said “No.”

Arafat’s rejection of Barak’s offer is amazing! It utterly contradicts the PLO’s strategy of phases whose goal is Israel’s destruction. Arafat himself admitted that the Palestinians are fighting for a “political objective, namely, the liberation of “Palestinian soil” and the establishment of a Palestinian state over every part of it” (March 6, 1989, Qatar News Agency).

George Habash was equally unambiguous when he vowed: “The Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza will be the beginning of the downfall of the Zionist enterprise. We will be able to rely on this defeat in order to complete the struggle to realize our entire goal, which is the complete liberation of the national Palestinian soil” (June 9,1989, “Voice of the Mountain” Radio, Lebanon).But, Arafat was only following the phased peace-and-war strategy of Anwar Sadat who, in an interview withal al Anwar on Jtme 22, 1975 said, ‘The effort of our generation is to return to the 1967 borders. Afterward the next generation will carry on the responsibility.”

Weighed against this strategy, there is no commensurate political explanation for Arafat’s rejection of Barak’s offer. The PLO would have had control of the Judean/Samarian hills overlooking most of Israel’s population. Add Arab control of the Jordan valley and Israel would have been indefensible — the conclusion reached by the American Joint Chiefs of Staff after the Six-Day War. Arafat knew this. Perhaps Arafat’s rejection of Barak’s offer can only be explained in metapolitical terms.

I have often said that God has given Israel the best of enemies, one that can’t be bought by the potage of territory — a programmed enemy that cannot accept the “two-state” solution that useful idiots are trying to impose on Israel.

Professor Eidelberg is the Founder and President of the Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, a Jerusalem-based tank for improving Israel’s system of governance.

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