Monday, May 11, 2009

Letter of support for Israel

Dear US Government,

Establishing a Palestinian state means the end of Israel.

Establishing a Palestinian state means rockets on Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport. May 11, 2009

To: Senator Robert Casey (D-PA), Chairman

Near East Subcommittee, Foreign Relations Committee

To: Gary Ackerman, New York 5th District, Chairman

Middle East Subcommittee, US House Foreign Affairs Committee

To: all US Secretaries, Senators and Congressmen

Subject: I urge you to strongly object to the establishment of a Palestinian state

Dear US Government,

Establishing a Palestinian state means the end of Israel.

Establishing a Palestinian state means rockets on Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport.

Establishing a Palestinian state means uprooting and deporting more Jewish communities and handing over their property to terrorists. Following Gush Katif disastrous precedent, when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, will mean that we are using the same kind of thinking we used to create the security and terrorism problems Israel is facing daily from Gaza.

I am against a Palestinian state and I hope you will join me and appose the Palestinian state idea.

Saying ‘Yes’ to a Palestinian state is saying ‘No’ to the State of Israel.

Please say ‘No’ to a Palestinian state meaning you are saying ‘Yes’ to the State of Israel.

Thank you,

Nurit Greenger

Los Angeles, California

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