Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Audacity of Dopes

Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 9:38 PM

I am an alumni of UCSB, and I am thoroughly disgusted with your abuse of your teaching postion at this institution by attempting to compare The Holocaust with the Israel-Gaza conflict. There are too many vastly distinct differences to delve into; this would require a separate email. However, the fact that you have a roomful of impressionable minds that you fill with such fodder at the university I graduated from infuriates me. What is the entire history of mankind, but one endless bloody occupation and domination of one group over another? Please, tell me. Why don't the Muslims protest over the 1/2 million Christian and Animist Africans killed in Darfur by Janjaweed Muslim militants supplied and supported by the Muslim nation of Sudan ? Why is there no outrage at the slaughter of several thousand Iraqis and Afghanis by fellow Muslims? What about Turks and Shia and Sunni Iraqis killing and oppressing Kurds? Is it a bigger crime for a non-Muslim to kill a Muslim? Hypocrisy!

A true intellectual would be questioning this double standard and shining the light upon the fact that the biggest source of problems, violence, and murder in the Muslim world doesn't come from Israel or the USA, but from fellow Muslims. This would be interesting research: using hard facts, compare the number of murders or wartime deaths of Muslim civilians by Israelis since the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 to the number of Muslims murdered or killed in conflicts in the Muslim world for the same time period.

Where the hell is the outrage? Muslim scholars in Muslim countries won't do this for fear of a fatwa calling for their death. If a non-Muslim were to do this, it would simply be dismissed as anti-Muslim Western propaganda.

Why should Zionist occupation be any more special or different than any other? Therefore, if you are a US citizen, leave! Return the land to its natives. Go back to Asia, Africa, or Europe where your ancestors came from. Australians should do the same too, right? You're talking about a little piece of crap real estate the size of New Jersey that had some tribal peoples on it already who didn't give a shit about each other or their neighbors, who had been occupied (and never knew independence) for centuries by dominant (mostly) Muslim empires, surronded by a very hostile group of Muslim dictatorship neighbors that are equal to the size of the US, Mexico, and all of Central America combined. Israel converted this scrap of land into the only democracy in the region, with the most educated people with the highest standard of living, all without any petroleum underground. Israelis see crap and make fertilizer out of it and they become the best at it. Palestinians see crap, complain, vow revenge, and learn how to make bombs with it! This is who you are supporting?

By the way, the Palestinians already have a homeland. The majority of Jordanian citizens are Palestinian.

Jews have already put their trust in the world before, and look what it got them. 1/3 of all Jews in the world were exterminated in just SIX years, the majority of these in the final 3 years. Please show the parallel Israeli murder on the same scale to the Palestinians. You can't. Your comparison is sophomoric and entirely ridiculous.

Idiots such as you that liken the Palestinian situation with the Holocaust are sick revisionists and even Holocaust deniers who pervert and distort history to further the Islamofascist agenda. You enable its vicious, murderous, and long-term plans of world domination by any means, Islam=Submission, with your pseudo-intellectual harping.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, supreme representative of the Palestinians, allied with Hitler and Nazi Germany, Yasser Arafat chose the Soviet Union (real defenders of democracy, eh?), Hamas chooses Ahmadinejad in Iran and Bin Laden for support and inspiration. Face it, this is the heart and soul of the movement you defend.

With your degrees and credentials, you are a source of strength and inspiration for the jihadis, are an integral part of their 5th column in the US; you rally impressionable young minds here and abroad consciously and unconsiously to their cause. Whether you like it or not, you represent the suicide (homicide) bomber, the Taliban militant attacking Afghani and foreign troops, the Ayatollahs calling for the destruction of Israel and the USA, the Al-Qaeda cells plotting their next attack upon the West, the Hamas guerillas gunning down or blowing up their PA opponents, the Hezbollah blowing up Lebanese presidents and US Marines, and the convicts in US prisons who have converted to the most violent form of Islam and seek the ruin of this country. What wonderful company you keep!

I love our first amendment! Freedom of speech allows assholes to be exposed wherever they may wallow, and shines the light of truth and justice in the darkest recesses of humanity. The sorry excuse of humanity you have made your cause celebre is staunchly against this freedom that you passionately exercise and so many others. Try to publish a cartoon with Mohammed in it and boast that you're the artist and take a stroll around Gaza. Let's see how long you'd survive! (Please accept this invitation.)

I cannot support my alma mater, and I will refuse all requests for monetary or other support if it allows this type of inappropriate indoctrination to occur in its classrooms without consequences. In addition, as much as I like the place, I find that I simply cannot recommend this campus to the children I teach in high school or to anyone. I will also let my opinion be known to the appropriate UCSB administrators and department chairpeople.

Golda Meir once said peace with the Palestinians will only become possible when they learn to love their children more than they hate their enemy. When will this be?

Daniel Schwartz

UCSB Class of 1984

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